Inventory List, Page 1 Styles 104 to 1442
Each row is one style and the number of approximate yards we have in stock.
The order of information from left to right is Fiberglass cloth Style, costruction data (in the order of ounces per square yard, thread count in ends per inch warp and fill and yarn warp and fill), then widths for all finishes of that style or, if linked, finishes then yards of that finish. Thread count may be missing ends/inch to save space, PW=Plain Weave, 4HS=4 harness satin 8HS=8 Harness Satin, t is beside the thickness, w is for warp, f for fill, Greige means loom state, HC=Heat Cleaned, NPH is Neutral pH, Style at far left and Yards on the far right are in bold. Please note the yards at the end is for ALL widths and finishes of that particular style we have in stock.
104 0.56 oz, PW, 60x52 ECD900-1/0, ECD1800-1/0, 0.0011"t some 38" with silane finisnes 19, 38, 700yds,
106 0.73 oz, 56x56, ECD900-1/0 W&F, 0.0013"thick 26" 140yds, water washed 7,000 yds
108 1.40 oz/sq yd 60x47, ECD900-1/2 W&F, 0.0024"thick 24, 25, 38, 39, 44, 50" greige, heat cleaned 38" 13,000 yds
112 2.1 oz/sq yd 40x39 ends/inch, ECD450-1/2 W&F, 0.0032"thick 38" all no finish with logos 4,000 yds
113 2.4 oz 60x64, ECD450-1/2 W, ECD900-1/2F, 0.0027"thick 38, 44 and 50" Silanes for Epoxy for any resin 7,000 yds
116 3.09 oz/sq yd, 60x58 ends/inch, ECD450-1/2 W&F, 0.0035"thick, 38" 50" 630 10,000yds, heat cleaned, 50"1,000 yds
117 2.4 oz/sq yd, 54x39 ends/inch, ECD450-1/2 W&F, 0.0037"thick all 50" mostly 748 yd roll F12 3,300 yds
120 3.16 oz 4HS, 60x58, ECD450-1/2 W&F, 0.0046"thick stock comes and goes
125 3.75 oz/sq yd, 36x34 ends/inch, ECD450-2/2 W&F, 0.005"thick 38" - no finish 3,000 yds
128 6.00 oz/sq yd, 44x31 ends/inch, ECE 225 1/3 W&F, 0.0065"thick stock varies
139 6.5 oz/sq yd 4HS, 64x60ends/inch ECE225-1/2 W&F, 0.0065"thick 38" some volan
162 12 oz/sq yd, 28x16 ends/inch, ECE225-2/5 W&F, 0.0138" thick 38,52" 1,261 yds
220 3.22 oz/sq yd 60x58 ends/inch, ECE 225 1/0 W&F, 0.0037"thick 38,50,60 MostlyGreige 5k yds
232 12.7 oz 4HS, 48x30ends/inch, ECG37-1/0W, ECG751/2F .014"T 60,61.5" Greige 416 yds
332 13 oz 4HS, 48x32 ends/inch, ECG37-1/0 W&F, 0.0142"thick 30, 38, 61" 2000 yds
341 8.7 oz 4HS, 32x49, ECD450-1/2W, ECE225-3/2F, 0.0089"Thick 38" 1,709 yds
403 8.4 oz 4HS, 54x50, ECG75-1/0FW, ECG150-1/2F, 0.0089"Thick 38.5" F51 Pretty blue cloth 254 yds
427 9.35 oz 1x3 RH Twill, 54x30, ECDE75-1/0W, ECDE+pt textF 27,38.5" Filtration Cloth, 373 chemical resistance 739 yds
428 filtration type cloth 65" 373 89 yds
448 15.25 oz dbl crowft satin, 48x30, 0.0207"thick 38.5,42" 373 208 yds
449 16.3 oz/sq yd 57,65" 373 1,338 yds
450 12.5 oz/sq yd 38,38.5" 373 186 yds
454 13 oz 1x3RH Twill, 44x24, ECDEpt-textured, 0.0165"Thick 38.5,39.5,54" 373 1,162 yds
477 21.1 oz, Double Filling Face Weave, ECDE 75W, text fill 65" 497A 68 yds
478 15.6 oz/sq yd 54,65" 373 256 yds
525 12.6 oz 4HS, 47x30 ECH25-1/0W, ECG150-1/0Fill, 0.0118"thick 38,39,39.25" F3, F43 Volan 2,000 yds
538 Big soft Net type cloth 60" Greige 605 yds
544 No info on construction 38" Greige 535 yds
704 6.8 oz KEVLAR 129 plain weave 31x31 ends/inch 71" CS897 58 yds
834 Blue, like BGF Filtration 38" U0677 75 yds
860 12X12 ends/inch 60" CS3437 158 yds
880 5.7 oz 8HS 73x72 ends/inch, ECDE 150 1/0, 0.0060" thick 50, 60" Greige and CS330 212 yds
957 No construction data available 42" Z6040 8,292 yds
1065 1.08 oz 56x56, ECD450-1/0 warp ECD900-1/0 fill 0.0021"thick 38" CS112 and Greige 4,173 yds
1070 1.01 oz 60x35, ECD450-1/0 W, ECD900-1/0F 0.0019"thick 38,40" 28,680 yds
1076 0.96 oz 60x25, ECD450-1/0 Warp, ECD900-1/0Fill 0.0018"thick
1080 1.43oz/syd 60x47ends/inch ECD450-1/0 W&F 0.0021"thick 12,34,37,38,40,41,43,44,48" Greige,Volan stock varies
1116 3.19 oz/sq yd, 60x58 ends/inch ECD450-1/2 W&F, 0.004"thick 38,44,50" 642 stock varies
1129 4.3 oz/sq yd 19.5x19.5 ends/in count Plain Weave KEVLAR/Twaron
1131 3.65 oz 120x52, ECD450-1/0 W, ECG150-1/0Fill 0.0048"thick 12,48,49" CS4809, stock to be determined
1142 8.39 oz/sq yd, 31x21 ends/inch, ECG37-1/0W&F, 0.0103"thick 38" CS508 stock to be determined
1161 3.86 oz, 100x42, ECD450-1/0 W, ECDE100-1/0 Fill, 0.005"thick 42,47,49" Greige 26,646 yds
1165 3.65 oz, 60x52, ECD450-1/2 W, ECG100-1/0 fill, 0.0041"thick 25,38,44,50" CS230,CS112, some volan, Greige 25000 yds
1167 3.79 oz/sq yd, 60x55 ends/inch, ECDE150-1/0 W&F 0.0041"thick 50" 1,773 yds
1188 12 oz, 47x30 ends/inch ECG 25 1/0W, ECG 150 1/0F, 0.012"thick 57" F12 360 yds
1211 3.65 oz, 120x52ends/inch, ECDE 450 1/0W,. ECG 150 1/0F, 0.005" 50" 630 250 yds
1213 12 oz 38" CS675 958 yds
1297 0.79 oz, 50x20, ECD450-1/0Warp ECD900-1/0 Fill 0.002"thick 38,40"23,129 yds
1299 0.92 oz/sq yd, 50x20 ends/inch ECD450-1/0W&F 0.002"thick 40" 27,117 yds
1348 4.8 oz/sq yd NET, 12x6 ends/inch ECG37-1/0 Warp, ECG371/3 Fill 38" Volan 1,471 yds
1350 4.30 oz/Leno Net STUCCO cloth 38" 1344 yds
1353 4.30 oz/Leno Net STUCCO cloth 48" Hiloso 1,200 yds
1365 4.33 oz, 6.5x6.5 ends/inch, ECG37-1/2W, ECK18-1/0F 45" Greige 150 yds
1442 2.17 oz 32x40 Brt Dacron 150/34 Warp, ECDE 150 1/0Fill, 0.004"T 38" Greige 478 yds