13 oz Style 3789 Fiberglass Cloth with Volan Finish - Fiberglass Cloth Supply and Education

Photo of plain weave fiberglass cloth
Style 7500 fiberglass cloth close up photo with construction data
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13 oz Style 3789 Fiberglass Cloth with Volan Finish

Open Weaves
12.5 oz/sq yd(osy) Style3789 Fiberglass cloth
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3789 12.5 oz/sq yd Fiberglass cloth looose rolls on table from Thayercraft
3789 12.5 oz/sq yd Fiberglass cloth shaped around baseball from Thayercraft
3789 12.5 oz/sq fiberglass cloth showing both edges stitched from Thayercraft
Style 3789 is a very soft open weave that is 12.5 oz/sq yd, has a thread count of 13 x 12 ends/inch warp and fill.  3789 uses the ECG 37 1/3 yarn in the warp and fill and has a thickness of 0.0152".  We have this in 8.5 and 14" widths and 20 and 50 yard rolls.  Both edges are stitched on this cloth.  Rolls are on 2" pvc as normal, carefully packed and ready to ship.  
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