How to Pay for your Fiberglass Cloth
About Thayercraft
You can pay us with PayPal, Credit Card, Check, Money Order. If you want to mail us a check or money order just write the style, width, finish and yards of cloth you want along with your name and street address. When we get your check we'll ship the cloth. Most large orders are done open account with Net 30 terms. We have some individuals that prefer to pay with check. When we started in late 70's early 80's Net 30 was the way people did business. Nobody paid with credit cards. I am from that time period. What I've found lately though, except for large companies, most people that I give net 30 terms to pay really slow. The mind set for net 30 has completely changed. So where I used to give Net 30 to almost everybody back in the day without thinking about it and just by the way people sounded on the phone I've found that in today's world it just doesn't work so well.