Style 7781 with Blue Tracers - Fiberglass Cloth Supply and Education

Photo of plain weave fiberglass cloth
Style 7500 fiberglass cloth close up photo with construction data
Located in High Point, NC.  Huge selection of woven and stitched fiberglass.  Low prices  40 years experience * fast shipping
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Style 7781 with Blue Tracers

Satin with Tracers
Close up photo of 7781 with light blue tracer
7781 with light blue Tracers
spaced 8" side to side see photos
8.95oz/sq yd(osy) 8 harness Satin
Fiberglass style 7781
50" wide finished in silane for any resin
20, 30, 40 & 50  yard rolls

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7781 8.95 osy 8 harness satin weave fiberglass cloth with blue tracer
7781 50 497A BLUE TRACERS 20yds ready to ship
7781 8.95 osy 8 harness satin weave fiberglass cloth with blue tracer
Style 7781 8HS fiberglass cloth close up with data warp showing edge from Thayercraft
7781 8.95 osy 8hs fiberglass cloth with blue tracers from Thayercraft
7781 with blue tracers every 8"
This 7781 has blue tracers in the fill direction, or side to side, every 8".  The blue tracer is one singe strand of fill yarn that provides a reference for the discriminating composite builder to use in better positioning the fiber orientation of the glass fibers.  This is commonly used by helmet manufacturers, like motorcycle and goalie helmets, who put multiple layers at alternating orientations.
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